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Pastor’s Corner

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Well Brenda you were right again, it was billboards that were banned in Hawaii. As of today there are 1,500 cities & communities across the U. S. who have also banned billboards.

Here's a Bible question for you. Which disciple was known as the one that Jesus loved? Was it John; Peter; Thomas; Or James. Take a guess.

On the lighter side; Why do Rhinos charge? Well of course its because they never carry cash. Ho, ho.

Tuesday 6/6

Prov. 31:10 "Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is more precious than rubies."

Now verses 10-31 is a Hebrew acrostic poem; each verse begins with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

This term virtuous also means a person of valor, which means a person who is embodied in all forms of excellence.

If you remember when we began our study of the book of Proverbs, it began with a Prologue in 1:1-7 which gave the goals of wisdom in general terms, and now it concludes with this Epilogue in verses 10-31.

The concept here spoken of embodied in virtuous & capable is focused on excellence, moral worth, ability and nobility, not just marital fidelity.

Such a wife is of greater value than any other form of earthly value, as well as, wisdom in action..

This wife/person is capable, diligent, worthy, and good beyond any earthly measure. The status here given to women is the highest status of any of God's creation.

Notice this same outlook is given women:

Prov. 12:4 ... is a crown to her husband

Prov. 18:22 ... has received favor from the Lord

Prov. 19:14 ... only the Lord can give an understanding wife.

In the Hebrew culture women were given great honor, this outlook was foreign to the cultures of the surrounding nations. Gentile wives were generally given only a small degree of value above the lowly servants in the common nations surrounding the nation of Israel. We see this borne out in the role of the Queen in a nation, if she didn't fulfill her role properly, the king would just add a new queen.

However, the Hebrew culture gave great value to women, for they were the only way that they were able to fulfill the mandate given by God. "To live rightly & fill the earth." This was a role that could only be accomplished by the union of a woman to a man.

As can be noted in every civilization, women bring order, beauty, healthy homes, and strength. As we move on in our study we will see God's outlook on the role of women in our culture.

As we look all around us we can see that when man draws to godliness, and gives a role of honor to women, he is lifted up as a culture. When this tendency is corrupted, the culture, is also corrupted. When the role of women is diminished so is that culture.

This is the very insight that is passed on to all mankind. When women are given their proper role, the very influence of this reverence brings blessings & nobility to its people. When this reverence & honor is disregarded the surrounding culture becomes barbaric.

So Go With God for He knows the vital necessity of the influence that one of His most noble creations (women) bring to His world. They as in the beginning, brought a completeness to men. The home, family, even in governmental agencies bring the most beneficial influence, to every place when godly women are a part of the makeup of a people.

Just look around you, and you will quickly recognize this fact. Women, we need your very presence in our lives. Without you all the beauty we enjoy would quickly erode. The variety of colors, design, and upkeep would quickly fall away. I know in my life, Becky is the very essence of our home, she brings beauty, the very presence of unity, caring, love, etc. etc. etc. to our home. Without her it would only be just a shell. I rise up and call her BLESSED, only surpassed by My God. Love you sweetie!!!

brenda x
07 jun 2023

I think its John whom Jesus loved according to John. I think he loved them all the same, no one more than the other.

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