From Pastor Ben
So were you shocked to find out that California is the home of the largest underground caverns in the nation? I know that I was. Now here is a word put into place with its true meaning.m:
What does "bamboozle" mean? Does it mean, Reciprocate, or Annoy or maybe Comprehend or does it mean to be Deceived or confused? Well, tune in tomorrow for the real definition for this commonly spoken word.
Ecclesiastes 7:21
"Also do not take to heart everything people say, Lest you hear your servant cursing you."
Have you ever heard this said before? "An eavesdropper rarely hears good." In other words, if you’re expecting to hear compliments behind your back, you're not going to hear them. I'm one hundred percent sure that people talk about me negatively behind my back. Now you may be asking, How do I know this? Well, just read on to tomorrow's verse and you'll see why I say this.
So with this in mind, ask yourself this question, "Why should you alienate yourself by the extreme conduct from the few people in your world?" We all need to gain a healthy sense of our own imperfections, then that will help us to take criticisms (whether they are well intended or not) in stride. I think one of the hardest thoughts that we can deal with is the thought that we, in our good intentions, brought harm to someone else.
I can remember one time when Dan, my younger brother, was attempting to set up a party to express his appreciation for me. I was so embarrassed about the attention that I minimized the feelings that I felt towards him. This hurt him very much. Afterwards as everyone left, I made clear to him the reason for my wrong response. I was so sorry. I will never forget his big smile and joking words, and big hug, then we were back in good stead.
I think of all of the people yet alive. Love for my brother and his for me, has always been a constant joy. When after a week together this last year with his wife, Patty and my girlfriend/wife Becky, upon walking into the airport to go home, the depth of our love for each other hit me! I just had to go back outside to his car and express just how much he has meant to me throughout my life. Thanks, Dan!!!
If we hear a friend or fellow worker putting us down, though his observation is slanted by his inability to really know our heart, we can always be glad he doesn’t know us better, because then he would have even more to criticize!
When Shimei cursed David, Abishai wanted to cut off his head, but David's reply implied that maybe Shimei's cursing was not entirely without cause. (2 Samuel 16:5–14). He was wrongly taking the offense for Absolam's offense. David earlier had failed to punish his half son for raping Absolam's sister. David had learned the benefit of listening to those who are offended by him and then attempting to make right his offenses.
Look at David's response, "My own son is trying to kill me. Doesn’t this relative of Saul have even more reason to do so? Leave him alone and let him curse, for the LORD has told him to do it. And perhaps the LORD will see that I am being wronged and will bless me because of these curses today.”"
SO GO WITH GOD, for He will help us to make right those failures in our life, if we will but call on Him for help in our human affairs. He knows the inner struggles of others and how to make them right. Unfortunately, our human errors can be seen as our best way to deal with them, which is to ignore them, or cover them up. However, to recognize them and ask God for His assistance is always the best solution. Our loving Father knows exactly how to direct us.