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Pastor’s Corner

Public·41 members

Thursday 10/20

Hey, do you know where the first sky scraper was built? Was it in New York or L.A. or Chicago.? Well if you guessed Chicago you were right. The Home Insurance building was 10 stories high, 138 feet tall, built in 1885. Wow

Prov. 24:5,6 “A wise man is strong, Yes a man of knowledge increases strength; For by wise counsel you will wage your own war, And in a multitude of counselors there is safety.”

Wisdom is more important to follow after, than powerful weaponry or physical strength. Take a look at these verses Prov. 11:14; 15:22; 20:18 to name a few. Solomon affirmed the great benefit of wisdom in Eccl. 9:13-18.

David also proved the importance of putting his trust & knowledge in God in 1 Sam. 17:45-47 in his conflict with Goliath.

Just think everyone of us have more than 40 wise counselors at our disposal. We have Isaiah, Moses, John, Peter, James, Ezekiel … etc., etc., etc. waiting to be tapped into at a moments notice. On top of that, we have the Wonderful Counselor living inside of us.

So Go With God for He knows not only the past, present, but more importantly the future. Sometimes, thinking in the future seems impossible for us simple humans, however, the Bible is filled with futuristic thinking. So take the time to fill your heart & mind with His words for the future. You’ll never be sorry.

Oct 20, 2022

I love this passage. I tell people I counsel a multitude of WISE GODLY counselors is good but the best counselors are all those jn the Scriptures.


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