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Pastor’s Corner

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Good Monday morning my dear ones. Well the three most popular Girl Scout flavored cookies are... drum roll everyone -- Thin mints, Peanut Butter Sandwiches, and Trefoils. Is that what you guessed?

By the way do you know who was called "Cookie Queen" even by the media and why? It is Elizabeth Britton from Virginia, and it was because she has sold a total of 100,000 boxes of cookies. By the way, What do you think that the Girl Scouts sold during World War 2 due to the rationing effort? I'll fill you in tomorrow.

Monday 3/20

Prov. 29:6 "Evil people are trapped by sin, but the righteous escape, shouting for joy."

The first clause of this verse refers to the consequence of the evil persons sinful tendencies, and how they unintentionally fall into the trap that they set for others.

David referred us to that inclination of wicked people in Psa. 9:15 "The nations have fallen into the pit they dug for others. Their own feet have been caught in the trap they set."

The snare they habitually set for others becomes a trap that brings even greater harm to themselves.

The second clause points out the fact that the righteous person though he may even bring an offense to others, is forgiven due to the fact that his intentions are not generally evil. As a result of his consistent lifestyle he maintains a clear conscience, which results in voluntary joyous praise to God. Therefore, his life is one of NO REGRETS, but rather joyous expressions of praise to God.

What a contrast we see in this verse; evil ones falling into their own trap versus the righteous happily living in the joy with men & Our Father.

I will never forget how at my dads funeral a fairly large group of his past caregivers attended his funeral due to the consequence of the testimony that he lived out before them even while his diseased mind was limited. His kindness, and gentleness rang true in his life. Though he lived to the ripe age of 95, his memorial service was quite full, due to his & mothers lives being lived out in selfless love toward others.

I will never forget the last time I was with my mother on this earth, as I layed by her side and sang to her, as she did so many times for me, when I was sad or sick. She wept as I talked to her, her focus was placed on Dad and the struggle that caring for her was to him.

Rather than here feeling sad for her limitations, unable to walk, talk, hardly eat, or even sit up in bed, her sadness was the hardship her illness placed in her husband. While she could still talk, she told me just how much she realized and how deep was dads love for her.

By him setting aside his public ministry, from teaching God's word, which was his lifelong passion. Oh, I can remember, it didn't matter how many people were present, when someone ask him for Biblical counsel, he stopped and lovingly, compassionately, imparted his insights into God's instruction for them. Almost weekly, most any evening people would come by the house, or Grandpas salvage yard when he was working there, or the store when they saw him, or in fact anywhere, His past friends would seek his counsel.

But once my mom became helpless he fixed his total attention on her needs. Once I came to visit and he was so totally exhausted he fell asleep on the couch, which never happened with dad he was a night owl.

I tell you this, because this to me was a practical example of the rich rewards two people in my lifetime, who lived out joy, even when suffering the ailments of illness. They both shared with me personally the joy that they had enjoyed in their lives. They both individually shared with me the total blessings they had enjoyed in their lives. NO REGRETS

So Go With God you will never regret living in fellowship with our wonderful, loving Father, for He will make even in the down times the moments that are filled with joy.

Mar 20, 2023

I would guess during WWII that the Girl Scouts sold something practical like bread or rolls.


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