Lakeside Baptist Church will be opening our doors, Sunday, June 7th. In Church service will begin at 10:30am. We will also still be running our LIVE Broadcast starting around 10:45am. Every Sunday Morning! Lakeside Baptist Church estara abriendo sus puertas este Domingo 7 de Junio. El servicio en español comienza a las 9:00am. El video en VIVO empienza a las 9:15am Cada Domingo en la mañana. Los Esperamos!!! -Our whole facility has been professional cleaned, as advised by CDC guidelines. You can find our formal certification posted at all entrances and exits throughout building. -We are encouraging our members 65 and older with health issues to still stay home and watch our video online. -During church services, we encourage you to practice social distancing and stay 6 feet apart. Please no hugging or hand shaking. -Please arrive a few minutes prior to begging of services, so you will have time be seated in a designated seating for your family. Children’s Church and Nursery has been currently postponed. Children are welcome, but they will be required to stay with their family in their designated areas. -Offering will not be collecting during service, but there will be the church drop box in back. You may also continue to use our donate page on the church app or on our website -We will only have one entrance and one exit. Please enter the church sanctuary from only the front of the church. Doors will be open throughout the whole service. -There will be no beverages or food served at this time and we will not be providing water. Water bottles will be allowed to bring with you. Kitchen facility is closed until further notice. -Bathrooms will be accessible during service time. We encourage you to properly wash your hands with soup and water for after each use. -Our facility will be properly cleaned after ever service following CDC guidelines. Trash cans will also be emptied. -Please make sure to also take all items you have brought with you into the church out with you. -We will have a copy of the procedures and guidelines for re-opening the church at members request. ******We miss and love you all and we hope to see you soon******
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Thank GOD!